
Research Partners

Dairy Cultures collaborates with a variety of partner institutions and projects across the globe. Find out more about them through the links listed below.

Mongolian Dietetics Association
One of our major partners is the Mongolian Dietetics Association, which is run by our project member Dr. Soninkhishig Tsolmon.

Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS)
The School of Public Health at the MNUMS is an essential partner institution for this research project. Here, Mongolian researchers take care of sample collections and processing.

Khövsgöl Dairy Project
The Khövsgöl Dairy Project is one of our main partners for conducting fieldwork in Mongolia. Together with pastoral herders in Khövsgöl province, northern Mongolia, the non-profit-organisation has founded the ‘Blessed by Yak’ cooperative which aims at improving local infrastructures to provide herders with better options to market their dairy products.

Сарлагийн Сайхан Хишиг Хоршоо – ‘Blessed by Yak’ Cooperative
‘Blessed by Yak’ is a cooperative of predominantly herds women from Khatgal, Khövsgöl who have initiated this project in order to produce traditional products and create new recipes from yak milk.

Former Projects

Heirloom Microbes
Initiated by Prof. Dr. Christina Warinner and Dr. Jessica Hendy, this project aimed at researching microbial diversity and dairying practices in Mongolia, Jordan and the European Alps.
The Heirloom Microbes project has been funded by the Max Planck Society’s Annual Donation Award.